Paysalia 2021 opens a village dedicated to jobs and training
The Jobs and Training Village will answer all your questions about recruitment and skill-level requirements in the landscaping sector.

One innovation at Paysalia 2021, the Jobs and Training Village, will answer all your questions about recruitment and increased skill-level requirements in the landscaping sector. You can get real-life, personalized advice and discover new winning professional opportunities to boost your career or your landscaping company!

Plant study on Paysalia 2019 © Nicolas Rodet
Recruitment and training are crucial issues for the landscaping sector
In 2018, 60% of landscaping companies had difficulties with recruitment due to a lack of job applicants, qualifications and motivation. Recruitment and the rise in employee skill levels are all the more challenging as demand increases. Without a satisfactory solution to these problems, landscaping companies risk uberization of their sector in the long term, devalorizing their know-how and causing prices to fall.
It is vital to promote training, both in schools to highlight the sector and in vocational training for adults. The rise in skill levels, in particular in emerging technologies like robotization or trade-related software is essential to propel the sector to greater expertise and new abilities.
Jobs and training have always been central themes at Paysalia. Even more emphasis will be focused on these topics in 2021.
Paysalia facilitates landscaping recruitment and training
90sq.m. exclusively dedicated to your needs
The innovation at Paysalia is the Jobs and Training Village specifically focused on enhancing the landscaping sector’s image and increasing employee skill levels. Four categories of visitors can find the right solutions to their problems there:
- Employers: who can benefit from advice about landscaping recruitment and training tools and register vacancies with the APECITA, the ANEFA and Job Centers.
- Salaried employees and freelances: who can find out everything they need to know about their rights for training and all the training courses available.
- Job-seekers: who can learn about new job opportunities from sector professionals.
- Pupils and students: who can get information to help them decide on their future careers, find the training course that will take them there and review existing job offers.
In the Jobs and Training Village, visitors can meet national specialists, experts in recruitment and training for the landscaping sector, who can answer every question:
- Pôle Emploi
- Unep
- Training Centers sponsoring the Carré des Jardiniers garden contest.
- You can also meet up with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional MFR on stand 4B93 (facing the Jobs and Training Village).
The events at the Jobs and Training Village are “musts”! Take the time during your visit to attend the workshops and conferences. Themes include how to keep employees loyal, how to use network media, subsidies available for new recruits and proven ways to speed up your recruitment. A Jobs Wall will feature all job offers from landscaping companies.
The Jobs and Training Village will be on stand 4B86.
Paysalia 2021 will be held from November 30 to December 2, 2021. Check out the Jobs and Training Village and our thematic conferences.