How do owners deal with their gardens? Focus on the latest trends
The latest statistics show that gardens are still as popular as ever and that owners are much more aware of biodiversity.

The latest statistics show that gardens are still as popular as ever and that owners are much more aware of biodiversity. French professional federation Unep has published a barometer analyzing the latest trends in gardening in France and compared the results to the same study carried out in the United Kingdom in 2021. Are there differences in maintenance and attitudes to gardening in the two countries?

Who have gardens – and why?
In France, 70% of the population has gardens near their homes vs. 80% in the UK. The % has been stable for the last 15 years, but, as Unep emphasizes, gardens are still regarded as “luxuries”, accessible to 79% of the highest income groups vs. only 47% to lower categories.
Gardens are places to relax in and host friends and family. Their looks embellish properties. Compared to 2019, Unep notes that a growing trend is to have a garden to protect biodiversity whereas the popularity of gardens for sports and games is slightly declining.
68% of the French have kitchen garden, vs. 49% of the British.
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What are the trends in gardening?
Every month, 40% of the British are happy to garden - only 7% do not enjoy it. Most garden owners say that they garden for the pleasure of relaxing in a well-cared for green space. Although many gardeners are over 55, a quarter of all gardeners are 18-34.
In France, 70% of all gardeners enjoy gardening - but 28% say it’s a chore.
Plant care chemicals are less and less popular on both sides of the English Channel.
66% of the French use environmentally-friendly products and 60% of the British weed their gardens by hand and only use chemicals as a last resort.
How do gardeners promote biodiversity?
The well-mown lawn with neatly trimmed edges only attracts 31% of the French. Moreover, to conserve biodiversity, 56% prefer a natural lawn. 47% of all French gardeners have already installed pollinating plants or insect hotels and 40% have reduced the quantities of walls and paving. But only 12% use landscaping professionals to promote biodiversity in their garden.
Convince your client to increase biodiversity in gardens!
A little more advanced, 72% of the British have adopted at least one biodiversity protection method like ponds or bird tables. When choosing plants, 50% of them consider their ability to support biodiversity.
What these figures show is that the French prefer kitchen gardens while the British seem more aware of the need for biodiversity. On both sides of the Channel, more young adults garden regularly. What do professionals think of that? See how several landscape designers think private gardens are changing.
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